About Improv
At Carolina Improv, we're all about equipping people with the essential skills of improv, whether you're a beginner or seasoned pro. Trust us, the benefits of improv extend far beyond the stage. So why wait? Sign up today!
Level 1 – Introduction To Improv
This class delves into the fundamental principles of improv comedy, including collaboration, adaptation, trust-building, mental agility, active listening, and effective communication across diverse personality styles.
Level 2 – Advanced Improv
Building upon the foundational skills acquired in Improv Level 1, Improv Level 2 delves deeper into the intricacies of short-form improv games, reminiscent of those featured on the television show "Whose Line Is It Anyway?"
Level 3 – Characters and Relationships
In this class, master the art of instantly crafting well-defined characters through voice, attitude, and physicality, while also nurturing authentic relationships within every scene.
Games Series
This class offers students the chance to explore new improv games while refining the skills acquired in Levels 1 through 3. Designed for ongoing participation, it provides a platform for continuous growth and development.
Improvised Intelligence™ For Businesses
Our customized Improvised Intelligence™ training program, designed to rehumanize every facet of your business, spanning from customer service to company culture.